People with disabilities and seniors apply to Milbat when they cannot find a device on the market which will answer to their specific functional needs. The professional staff in Milbat will examine the problem and refer it to the team of technical volunteers of Milbat. They will then meet with the client in his home or wherever he is treated and create a device specially designed for his use, free of charge. The client’s only expense is for the raw materials used.
Every year hundreds of devices are created, including games and specially designed musical instruments. Many working hours are required until the device is fully adjusted to the client’s needs and capabilities. Every device is exclusive and answers to a unique functional problem, for which, without the help of Milbat, no solution could hitherto be found. Very often the volunteers stay in touch for years with families , kindergardens, rehabilitation centers etc., continuing to develop special devices as the needs of the clients change with time.
Target populations
Children, adults and seniors from all over the country and from all walks of life in Israeli society, rehabilitation professionals working in medical centers, daycare centers for senior citizens, special schools etc.
The volunteers of Milbat are engaged in this activity.
Examples of accessories developed by the volunteers
Writing on a computer with a finger
“I was injured at October of 2014 during a snowstorm in Nepal. They had to amputate off all five fingers of my right hand – my dominant hand. One of the things that concerned me was how I’ll be able to use a keyboard, both for my work as an accountant and for everyday life.
The Milbat team and volunteers designed a special glove for me complete with a 3D-printed “finger” that solved that problem. Today people tell me I type faster than people with two hands.”
Roei Fattal, Jerusalem
Adjusting a chair with a bicycle rest
A 6-year old boy with cerebral palsy, from the Liman special education preschool in Ramle, can now ride his bike along with his friends. Almost every child in his preschool class can ride a bicycle, and he wanted to be able to join everyone else. The main difficulty was stabilizing his pelvis on the bicycle and keeping his feet on the pedals. A Milbat volunteer designed a special support mechanism for the pedals, and with the help of the physiotherapists employed at the preschool, he managed for the first time in his life to ride his bike with his friends.

communicate using a special accessory
“I can make calls, use facebook and and keep in touch with my friends and family. Thanks to Milbat, my life has changed completely, the difference between night and day. The device they designed for me has given me access to a whole new world by allowing me to use my smartphone again.”
A 60-year-old woman who had all four limbs amputated due to flesh eating bacteria.

communicate using a special accessory
A 16-year-old girl from East Jerusalem was heavily injured and remained paralyzed in all four limbs. Using the various devices designed for her by Milbat, she can now use her smartphone with a mouth-held device, allowing her to be active on social networks and more. She can now turn the pages of a book and even paint, moving around the page, using a specialized electric easel, turn the pages of a book, and more.

adjustment a shopping cart to a blind woman
A visually impaired woman suffering from severe pain in her hands was having difficulty using a cart to carry groceries and personal items while out of the house. She cannot push the cart both because of the pain in her hands, and because she needs to hold the white cane.
A Milbat volunteer made her a cart with a special handle, allowing her to maneuver the cart using her body, keeping her hands free. She uses the cart every day, and says that she is now free to go anywhere.

Guitar playing in one hand
Uri, an industrial designer from the IAI who volunteers at Milbat, built a special device allowing a young man who had lost his arm in a car accident to play his guitar again. Strumming the strings is done with a foot-operated device.
Providing the disabled IDF veteran with heavy vision and amputating two hands to independently replace the stations on the radio.
“Over the past months I’ve had the privilege of getting to know Ehud, a Milbat volunteer. He helped me solve the problem of listening to the radio – before this solution existed, I couldn’t change the channels. Ehud designed and built a special device which serves me well, and allows me to listen to all of the stations easily. Currently, Ehud is investing his time and energy in constructing a device to allow me to use my smartphone, as well. I have no words for the gratitude and appreciation I have for him, and for Milbat – especially Shoshi, the professional manager – for referring me to the right man for the job.

Lighting Shabbat candles for women with visual impairment
“Now I can light the Shabbath candles by myself again! Using the device the Milbat volunteers designed for me, I no longer need someone to hold my hand and light the candles for me. Now I just need someone to supervise, and I can safely do everything by myself.”
A visually impaired young woman
Putting tefillin on people with limitations in the functioning of their hands
Milbat volunteers have helped a group of disabled children to put on Tefillin during their Bar-Mitzvah ceremony. The device, prepared by Milbat volunteers, helps the children to stabilize the Tefillin box, wrap the straps around the arm and tighten them easily and without the need for much strength. A visually impaired young woman
The Milbat volunteers are constantly working on new devices to help people with diminished hand functions such as trembling, paralysis, weakness, and other difficulties due to illness (such as CP, Parkinson’s, CVA, arthritis, MS, muscular dystrophy), injuries, amputations etc. put on their Tefilin.
accessible Baby beds to parents in a wheelchair
We are constantly helping parents with disabilities to independently and safely care for their children, independently and safely with the help of devices such as wheelchair accessible cribs, baby baths, special changing tables, and more.

A variety of typing aids and special support
We have designed a variety of typing devices to allow disabled people of all ages use their computer, tablet and smartphone.

A variety of means that help in writing and painting