The box contains a related software that allows you to choose every key or button on the keyboard or on the mouse, using a personal switch. That gives the user the ability to operate different kinds of software, computer games, etc.
The software has a few functions that allow control over various parameters settings, such as:
Setting a minimal clicking duration on the switch – in order to prevent random clicking ( Time to active/Delay)
Setting clicking duration on the switch – even if the clicking has stopped (On time/Jump)
Setting cursor speed – while operating the mouse (Tracking speed)
Controlling all four mouse directions, using only 2 switches.
An automatic double-click by leaving the cursor on the object (Dwell)
Target audiences:
- Adults and children, with different levels of physical or cognitive disabilities, that are not able to operate a keyboard or a mouse using regular means.
Purchase and reservations
You are invited to be among the 100 first customers who will receive the product 50% off!
Orders for the launch will be accepted by the end of December 2017.
Supply – by the end of April 2018.
For individuals – $ 150 (reg.price $ 200). Please fill the form to purchase:
Organizations/quantitative purchase and dealers please contact:
For further details
please contact Avi Rabinowitz, CEO PETEL
052-7224242, 07-222-30007