A solution for wheelchair users intended to improve motion range and maneuverability in small spaces, as well as permitting constant motion of the lower limbs.
Removing the regular footplates in favor of Mobiliti shortens the length of the wheelchair and its rotation axis. Moreover, it allows for movement of the legs, while still maintaining a proper, stable posture.
The original concept was invented by a man with severe disability who suffers from multiple sclerosis. Mobiliti has been developed in cooperation with the Israel Innovation Authority, and we are currently in the process of raising our second round of funding in order to begin serial production, making it available for sale in Israel and abroad.
Purchase and reservations
You are invited to be among the 100 first customers who will receive the product 50% off!
Orders for the launch will be accepted by the end of December 2017.
Supply – by the end of April 2018.
For individuals – $ 250 (reg.price $ 300). Please fill the form to purchase:
Organizations/quantitative purchase and dealers please contact:
For further details
please contact Avi Rabinowitz, CEO PETEL
052-7224242, 07-222-30007 contact@petel-milbat.com